Quick reference for dyna-brick

All FRP core functions can be used (see the reference for dyna package).

Main types:

  • Evt a - event streams
  • Dyn a - dynamic values
  • Run a - main app/frp monad
  • BoxId - text based id for the widget
  • Box - widget with id parameter set to BoxId
  • Act - brick app actions (for example Quit)
  • Win - pair of dynamic widgets and event stream of quit-actions

Run the application

runApp :: Spec -> Run Win -> IO ()

data Spec = Spec
  { spec'attrMap :: AttrMap
  , spec'cursor  :: [CursorLocation BoxId] -> Maybe (CursorLocation BoxId)

defSpec :: AttrMap -> Spec
emptyAttrMap :: AttrMap

data Win = Win
  { win'widgets :: Dyn [Box]   -- ^ window view
  , win'acts    :: Evt Act     -- ^ brick app actions

type Box = Widget BoxId
newtype BoxId = BoxId { getBoxId :: Text }

-- | Actions for Brick rendering engine
data Act
  = Quit -- ^ Quit the app

User interaction

-- generic terminal events
vtyEvents :: Evt Event

-- mouse input
mouseUp   :: Evt MouseUpEvent
mouseDown :: Evt MouseDownEvent

data MouseUpEvent   = MouseUpEvent BoxId (Maybe Button) Location
data MouseDownEvent = MouseDownEvent BoxId Button [Modifier] Location

-- keyboard input
keyEvents :: Evt (Key, [Modifier])
onChar    :: Char -> Evt [Modifier]
onKey     :: Key -> Evt [Modifier]
readChars :: Evt Char

Drawing Widgets

See the modules