Using dyna to create bindings to imperative libraries

Here we will see how we can use the library to create FRP-based bindings to various imperative libraries. We will study the common patterns that reappear during the implementation.

For now we have bindings to the libraries brick (TUIs) and gloss (Graphics, gaming). But if you need to use it with your own favorite library and make it shine with FRP you can find this chapter useful.

How to make our own instances for Frp

Why do we need our own instances for Frp class? Often when we define UI library we need some global context. And for that case ReaderT env IO monad is very handy.

Let’s take a look at the real code example from the binding to the gloss graphics library:

-- | Monad that drives the application
newtype Run a = Run { unRun :: ReaderT Env IO a }
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader Env, MonadIO, MonadBase IO, MonadRandom)

newtype StMRun a = StMRun { unStMRun :: StM (ReaderT Env IO) a }

instance MonadBaseControl IO Run where
    type StM Run a = StMRun a
    liftBaseWith f = Run $ liftBaseWith $ \q -> f (fmap StMRun . q . unRun)
    restoreM = Run . restoreM . unStMRun

instance D.Frp Run where
  type Ref Run = IORef

So to have the access to global parameters of simulation we define a reader monad wrapper Run. And we define the usual chain of mtl-instances. Next we do boiler-plate code to define instance for MonadBaseControl. We define special wrapper type StMRun and make an instance. I usually copy-paste it from project to project.

The instance of Frp is interesting. For we are going to choose the data type for mutable references.

instance D.Frp Run where
  type Ref Run = IORef

For interactive fast application and gaming we want it to be fast and we can sacrifice safety for that. So we use IORef. Also we could choose TVar from the stm package for safer alternative. TVar is safer with respect to concurrency. Because our processes run in many threads. The type Env holds some global variables useful to interact with gloss application.

Channels. Interaction with imperative world

We have mentioned that we have access to global parameters of gloss game simulation. But how do we communicate that to our FRP framework? Enter the channel event streams!

Monoid events

The channel event streams is special family of event streams that going to trigger our callback whenever something is written to concurrent channel queue. We can choose between several types of channels: TVar, MVar, unagi-channels:

mchanEvt :: Frp m => m (Control.Concurrent.Chan.Chan a) -> Evt m a

tchanEvt :: Frp m => m (TChan a) -> Evt m a

uchanEvt :: Frp m => m (InChan a) -> Evt m a

They have various properties. It’s safe to start with uchanEvt. How does it work? It takes in a reference to the channel. And starts to listen to it (in duplicate mode). Whenever something happens it triggers our callback.

This is very flexible way to interact with imperative world. Take for example the gloss bindings. We would like to listen to the gloss events (mouse clicks, mouse position, key presses etc.)

For that we create special channels and keep them in the environment of the ReaderT Run monad:

-- | Applicaition environment
data Env = Env
  { env'frameChan   :: D.UChan Float
  , env'eventChan   :: D.UChan Event
  , env'resizeChan  :: D.UChan (Int, Int)
  , env'keyChan     :: D.UChan Click
  , env'mousePos    :: IORef Vec

Whenever event happens in the gloss loop we just write it to the channel. Then to make it convenient to use in the FRP setting we read the environment and create event stream out of those channels. For example here is definition that listens for the clicks in the system:

-- | Reads generic click events
getClicks :: Evt Click
getClicks = Evt $ D.uchanEvt $ fst <$> asks env'keyChan

As simple as that. We read a dedicated channel with reader method asks. And we create event stream out of it. Also there is a wrapper to hide the monad parameter.

This trick is used everywhere to communicate between FRP world and imperative engines.

Hiding the monad parameter

I find it convenient for the user to define specialized version of generic Evt and Dyn types:

newtype Evt a = Evt { unEvt :: D.Evt Run a }
  deriving (Functor, Semigroup, Monoid, Melody, ...)

newtype Dyn a = Dyn { unDyn :: D.Dyn Run a }
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Num, Fractional, Semigroup, Monoid, IsString,...)

And with those functions we get simpler and nicer signatures for FRP functions:

hold :: a -> Evt a -> Dyn a

apply :: Dyn (a -> b) -> Evt a -> Evt b

scan :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Evt a -> Evt b

It brings lots of boilerplate code to wrap/unwrap. In the end for me it’s worth it, as it simplifies the life of the user of the library dramatically. And type mismatch are much nicer to read comparing to generic variants of core FRP-types.

Structure of the bindings to the State machine library

Many imperative libraries describe computation as a state update function. Structure can be like this

data App state = App
  { draw         :: state -> IO View
  , updateState  :: Event -> state -> IO state

runLib :: App state -> IO ()

This structure is used in gloss and in brick libraries for example with minor variations. We have one function that draws the state on the screen draw and another one that updates the state based on incoming events.

And the View and Event types are from the imperative library. They define how to draw the widgets and animations on the screen and which event types are supported. It can be for example mouse right button or key-board press, window resize etc.

It’s very easy to make FRP binding for such a library. Our main function will look like this:

newtype Run = Run {...}

runApp :: Run (Dyn View) -> IO ()

The general idea is that we create main Run-monad which is based on ReaderT Env IO. Where environment holds references to concurrent channels. It can be TChan, or unagi chan. Also if we know that some value changes very rapidly we can create mutable IORef to store the current value. For example it can be suitable for events that carry mouse position. All those references and concurrent channels are stored in the Env. And we have access to them from our FRP eDSL over the Run monad which is reader. So to get the low-level events we can create event stream that reads from environmental channels. See the functions uchanEvt, tchanEvt etc.

Prior to the imperative loop of the app we will create the environment with allocated channels and mutable variables. We will use it as an argument for a runReaderT.

runApp mdyn = do
  env <- newEnv
  viewRef <- runReaderT (unRun (runDyn mdyn)) env
  runLib $ App
    { draw        = \state -> readDyn viewRef
    , updateState = \event state -> ....

And we will run the dynamic process that produces views. And we will use it in the draw callback function.

To propagate the state to the FRP-expression we will write events to the dedicated channel inside the updateState callback:

  env <- newEnv
  runLib $ App
    { draw        = ...
    , updateState = \event state -> case event of
       MousePos x y -> writeIORef (envMousePos env) (x, y)
       _            -> writeChan (envEventChan env) event

On exit from the event loop we can gracefully shutdown the dynamic process:

  runLib App {..}
    `finally` (cancelDyn viewRef)

So for now we know how to render views and how to send low level events from event loop. To read them in FRP-style we will read the channel from environment and create event stream that listens to that channel. Here is an example definition from the binding to gloss library:

import Dyna qualified as D

newtype Evt a = Evt { unEvt :: D.Evt Run a }

-- | Reads generic click events
getClicks :: Evt Click
getClicks = Evt $ D.uchanEvt $ fst <$> asks env'keyChan

We have created wrapper for Evt and Dyn types to hide the fixed monad. And in the function getClicks we can see how click events are read from the environment variable env'keyChan. This outline of implementation is used in the package dyna-gloss.

We can see how easy it is to pass events from imperative event loop to our FRP application.

Also we can work in different direction. If our application expects some special events we cam run them prior to the event loop in background process and we can pass them to the event loop over state of the imperative application. This is how it is implemented for brick bindings.

It expects event stream with special event that signals when application is shut down. We pass it as a callback to event stream that writes it to channel of special type on which brick listens to outside events. You can study the source code for dyna-brick library to see how it’s implemented.