FRP allows us to implement interactive applications with nice and declarative style. We can push IO-interaction to the boundaries of the application. And for some applications it even seems that all functions are pure and no dirty operations happen.
There are many implementations of the FRP in Haskell. Why
do we need yet another one? The main focus of the dyna
library is simplicity
of implementation. Once you grasp the core data types and concepts it is easy to
derive the implementation.
The main Zen assumptions:
- There are continuous signals (
short for dynamic) and event streams (Evt
short for events) - Everything happens just now for the processes (
) - We don’t know when event (
) is going to happen, but when it will happen we can call a callback - Everything happens concurrently
- Every process is an observation of some event stream
In the following section we describe the basics of FRP.
Feel free to skip it if you know the concept and move
to the tutorial for the dyna
Introduction to FRP
There is much debate about what functional reactive programming (FRP) actually is and what it’s not. Some claim that it’s essential to use continuous time others stress on Map/Reduce-like functional approach to build applications.
FRP vs state machine/callback approach reminds me of the problem of particles from the Physics. When we go deeper to the roots of the basic elements of the matter it turns out that the matter is mysterious object.
It can be viewed as a particle, non-divisible thing, and also it can be viewed as a wave, continuous transformation of the matter that interacts with other waves. This is called Wave–particle duality concept.
I’d like to think of Finite state machine (FSM) approach when we describe interactive system as transformation of the current state as it reacts to events as a particle view of the UI system.
The only thing we are aware of is our current state and we run the event loop to query user for events. And when something happen we update the state. The current state is sort of indivisible object that is transformed.
The FRP approach is to think about units of transformations as a whole. We don’t work with individual events or states but we work with signals or waves of events or continuous transformation of the elements from which the application is constructed.
So instead of a single Event like right mouse button was pressed we have an event stream of all possible button presses. And we establish relationship between those streams and properties of our system. From that stems the interactivity.
Let’s describe a simple application with two models to feel the difference. Imagine that we have a circle that is drawn in the mouse position and when user clicks on the mouse button the circle changes the color.
How we can solve that with our particle system view.
FSM approach
Let’s look at finite state machine approach to the task. We have the state:
data St = St
{ st'position :: (Float, Float)
-- ^ center of the circle (x, y) coordinates
, st'color :: Color
-- ^ color of the circle
If position changes or mouse button was pressed we update the state:
eventLoop :: Event -> St -> St
eventLoop event st =
case event of
MousePosition x y -> st { st'position = (x, y) }
MouseRightButton -> st { st'color = nextColor (st'color st) }
_ -> st
Where nextColor
is some function to update the color.
And we have some draw
or view
function that draws the state on the screen:
draw :: St -> Picture
draw (St pos color) = setColor col (circleFill pos)
This is function in some imaginary graphics framework. So we can draw a circle in the state position with given color.
FRP apporach
For functional reactive programming we have event stream of all
mouse button presses and continuous signal (or wave) of mouse positions.
And we use typical functional programming tools like (map
, filter
, fold
to work with streams and waves as if they are lists.
To me this is the essence of FRP. Reusing the go-to functional programming tools to work with events as if they are infinite streams and establish relationships with parts of the application making it dynamic.
Let’s imagine that we have library functions:
mousePos :: Signal (Float, Float)
mouseButtonClick :: Stream ()
Mouse position is a signal of all positions that user brings the mouse into during the life of the application. Mouse button clicks contains all possible events of the type mouse click. When user clicks on the mouse we put an event to that stream.
To draw the picture we use Functor
instance to map all mouse positions
to circles:
circlePicture :: Signal Picture
circlePicture = fmap (\pos -> circleFill pos) mousePos
So with fmap
we set up a relationship between the picture on the screen
and current mouse position. Also we can update the colors:
colors :: Stream Color
colors = iterateE green nextColor $ mouseButtonClick
coloredPicture :: Color Picture
coloredPicture = liftA2 setColor (hold green colors) circlePicture
We use function iterates
to update some value with a function
whenever anything happens on the stream. By convention if function
is defined on event type and clashes with some function from Prelude
we append suffix s
to the end of the verb (i.e. drops
, takes
iterates :: a -> (a -> a) -> Stream b -> Stream a
We use function hold
to turn streams of events to waves.
It just remembers the last value that has happened on stream and
keeps producing it until something new will happen:
hold :: a -> Stream a -> Signal a
To set up the color we use Applicative instance for signals:
liftA2 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
So the liftA2
takes our pure function to set color of the picture
setColor :: Color -> Picture -> Picture
and adapts it to work on signals
of values.
And we render the whole app with some root evaluation function that expects the signal of pictures:
runApp :: Signa Picture -> IO ()
So for me the essence of FRP is to treat user interactions as streams of events and dynamic changes and work with those values as a whole. We establish connections between dynamic values with standard functional programming interfaces.
FRP interface
FRP often has two types of values:
- Behaviors - continuous signals (it was
in our example ) - Event streams - infinite streams of values that happen over time
Conceptually we can think of Behaviors as functions from time to value and about event stream as infinite stream of values tagged with the time of happening:
type Behavior a = Time -> a
type Events a = [(Time, a)]
For those values in FRP we define standard interfaces.
We can map over behaviors with functions of single or multiple arities:
instance Functor Behavior where
instance Applicative Behavior where
The fmap
method of Functor
let’s us to lift single argument function
to domain of Behaviors:
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Behavior a -> Behavior b
The applicative instance let us create constant behaviors:
pure :: a -> Behavior a
And lift pure functions with arbitrary number of arguments to Behaviors:
liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Behavior a -> Behavior b -> Behavior c
This is an example for function of two arguments, but we can achieve that for arbitrary number of arguments with combination of two operators:
f <$> a <*> b <*> ... <*> z
If we have Applicative instance we can derive many useful interfaces for free.
We can take some specific class an lift all it’s methods to Behaviors
Take for example monoid:
instance Monoid a => Monoid (Behavior a) where
mempty = pure mempty
instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Behavior a) where
(<>) = liftA2 (<>)
The same trick can be done with Num
, IsString
, Fractional
and many other standard classes.
Event streams
The event streams should support interface:
instance Functor Events where
instance Monoid (Events a) where
With functor we just map over values of the events and keep the time of happening the same.
With mappend
we merge two lists of event streams together
into single event stream.
That’s it! Everything we need for the events.
Usually libraries support many functions that are typically associated with lists.
Like filter
, take
, drop
, fold
, scan
, cycle
, iterate
, takeWhile
Because it’s very convenient to think of event streams as of infinite lists of events.
Interaction between Behaviors and Event streams
FRP library is expected to implement functions that let us convert streams to behaviors and back.
We have function
stepper :: a -> Events a -> Behavior a
stepper initial events
It makes piecewise-constant function out of event stream. It starts with constant initial value and produces it until some event happens on the stream. Then that initial value is substituted with new taken value from the stream and get’s produced until the next event will arrive.
Often we define the dual function:
changes :: Behavior a -> Events a
It triggers new event when value on input behavior changes.
Also some libraries implement more generic stepper
switch :: Behavior a -> Events (Behavior a) -> Behavior a
It starts with initial behavior and when event happens it carries the next behavior to switch to.
Also often we have the same function for event streams:
switch :: Events (Events a) -> Events a
It produces the event stream from the first event. When the second event happens it stops to listen for the events on first event stream and starts to listen for the events on the new event stream. This is very powerful abstraction.
In fact together with event stream that contains a single event
that happens on start of event stream the switch
a Monad
instance. For it switch
can be though of as join
for a monad.
Recursive event streams
Sometimes it is useful to have event streams with feedback loop. Imagine a button widget and it displays a text that shows how many times it was clicked.
This widget can be created with function:
newButton :: Behavior Text -> Events ()
It takes in the dynamic text that is shown on the button and produces event stream of clicks. To change the text based on the event stream we need to introduce feedback loop:
clicks = newButton msg
msg = stepper "Zero clicks" (fmap (\n -> "Clicked " <> show n " times") $ count clicks)
So we need to use a recursion. Various libs solve this differently.
Some allow direct recursion to be defined some introduce special
fix-like functions to express it. In the dyna
we took later approach.
We have fix1
fix1 :: (Events a -> Events a) -> Events a
This is simplified version of it. It takes in a function that expects an event stream as argument and produce just event stream. The meaning of it is that it sends every output event back to the input of the event processor function making a loop.
This covers the whole repertoire of FRP libraries. FRP is great concept
that allows us to build declarative interactive applications.
In the next chapters we will see how those concepts are implemented
and used in the dyna
library and what makes it special.
Event streams- Up: Table of Contents