Get started

The dyna is functional reactive programming (FRP) library for Haskell. It implements classical FRP and provides easy to use interface to write call-back heavy interactive applications. It takes an imperative definition for event streams as a basis and granted with Haskell power for abstractions builds elegant DSL on top of it.


The library can be installed with cabal from hackage

> cabal install dyna --lib 

Also it can be used with stack. We just need to list it in the extra-deps of the stack.yaml.

We recommend to start with tutorial on core concepts of the library and then move on to the domain of your interests. With dyna we can create animations (see dyna-gloss or dyna-processing), terminal user interfaces with dyna-brick.

The Paper

The paper Callback Heaven for FRP offers a good outline of the whole system and concepts behind the dyna library.

Dyna core FRP tutorial
