FRP for gloss gaming/animation library

In this tutorial we will study the FRP binding to the gloss library. The gloss is suitable to create animations and games. It features declarative description of drawings. The application is run with state-machine like approach. We have a function that renders the state of application on the screen and we have a function that updates the state on events.

With FRP we use the same functions for drawing as they are defined in the gloss (see the module Graphics.Gloss.Data.Picture).

Only to run the application we use FRP approach. The main function is:

runApp :: Spec -> Run (Dyn Picture) -> IO ()

Where Spec defines the initial settings of the gloss application:

data Spec = Spec	 
  { spec'display     :: Display    -- ^ display settings
  , spec'background  :: Color      -- ^ background color to clear each frame
  , spec'steps       :: Int        -- ^ number of steps for simulation

defSpec :: Spec

The parameters come from the gloss library. For docs on display study the module Graphics.Gloss.Data.Display.

So to run the application we need to provide the spec and dynamic picture:

runApp :: Spec -> Run (Dyn Picture) -> IO ()

The Picture is a standard class of drawing primitive from the gloss library. The Run is a monad that has instance of Frp class, i.e. we can use MonadIO and MonadBaseControl methods with it. For writing internal mutable variables we use IORef.

The library dyna-gloss re-exports all drawing primitives from the gloss library. It re-exports the core FRP functions of dyna. Also it defines special wrappers for Evt and Dyn to avoid typing Evt Run a since the Run monad is fixed for gloss applications. It’s very simple newtype-wrappers:

newtype Evt a = Evt { unEvt :: Dyna.Evt Run a }
newtype Dyn a = Evt { unDyn :: Dyna.Dyn Run a }

So we can use all the functions from the Dyna module.

The first program

Let’s define a simple program. It will draw a circle at the position of the mouse:

module Main where

import Dyna.Gloss

main :: IO ()
main = runApp defSpec $ pure pic

pic :: Dyn Picture
pic = (\pos -> translate pos $ color green $ circleSolid 50) <$> mouse

Let’s save that to the file HelloGloss.hs. To run the gloss programs we need to compile them first and then we can run the executable:

stack exec -- ghc -O2 -threaded HelloGloss.hs

In this example I use stack to compile the code. Of course you can use just ghc or cabal for that. Be sure to pass the flags -O2 and -threaded. It’s important for gloss to run.

We can press Alt+F4 to close the window and the application. So let’s study the code. What happens:

pic = (\pos -> translate pos $ color green $ circleSolid 50) <$> mouse

We take mouse positions:

mouse :: Dyn Vec

The Vec is 2D vector. And we map the positions to the pictures:

(\pos -> translate pos $ color green $ circleSolid 50)

We use translate function to set the center of circle. Also we specify it’s color and radius.

Vec type

In the gloss Points and Vectors are defined as pair of floats:

type Point = (Float, Float)

Using lazy tuples for such computation intensive domain as real-time computer graphics is inefficient. We can accumulate unnecessary thunks or lazy expressions. To avoid this problem in the dyna-gloss we use unboxed strict pairs of floats:

data Vec = Vec
  { vec'x :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
  , vec'y :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

This will make computations more efficient. All functions that work with pairs of floats in the gloss are redefined for Vec’s.

The definition of the Vec is in the module Dyna.Gloss.Data.Vec. Also we have defined many instances from the vector-space package. This package defines convenient classes to work with vectors in terms of Linear Algebra.

User IO

Instead of getting events over event loop we have event streams and dynamics that read the user input.

Here is most useful of them:

-- mouse input
mouse      :: Dyn Vec
mouseRight :: Evt Vec
mouseLeft  :: Evt Vec
mouseWheel :: Evt Float

-- generic gloss events
data Click = Click Key KeyState Modifiers Vec

getClicks :: Evt Click

-- key input
keyUp   :: Key -> Evt Modifiers
keyDown :: Key -> Evt Modifiers

charUp   :: Char -> Evt Modifiers
charDown :: Char -> Evt Modifiers

See the module Dyna.Gloss.Run for complete list of the user input functions.


That’s it. We have described the FRP binding to gloss.

Peculiarities comparing to gloss:

  • usage of strict vectors Vec instead of lazy tuples
  • special type for game initialisation Spec
  • main function runApp expects Run (Dyn Picture) to evaluate
  • vector-space instances for vectors
  • the Run is a Frp-monad (MonadIO and MonadBaseControl)

FRP peculiarities:

  • special wrappers for Evt and Dyn that hide generic monad which is fixed to the Run monad

  • re-exports core FRP module Dyna with all functions specialized for wrapped Evt/Dyn types.

  • internal mutable updates are done with IORef