Event streams

The core type of the library is event stream Evt. The main idea of the library is to use very simple imperative representation of the event streams and use convenient combinators to build compound event streams out of simple ones.

Often in FRP research papers event stream conceptually is represented as list of some events that happen at certain time stamps:

type Events event = [(Time, event)]

The list is infinite and we can receive events as they come. Instead of that we can think not about what event stream is but why do we need the event stream in the first place? How is it related to the rest of the application?

In imperative approach we use event streams as source of call back invocations. Mr Run Event says: You can give me a procedure a -> IO () and when event will happen I gonna call it for you. That’s nice to have! Thanks Mr Run Event.

So we define not what event is but what we are going to do with it. The problem with this approach is that it often leads to a very clumsy code. It’s even called call-back hell.

Run event

The main idea of the dyna library is to take this hellish approach and turn it into heaven by offering nice interface to combine the callback processors.

The event stream is just a callback processor:

newtype Evt m a = Evt {
  runEvt :: (a -> m ()) -> m ()

It’s a real definition from the library (not a simplified one). So the event stream is that Mr Run Event that takes our procedure a -> m () and does something useful with it on our behalf, i.e. run is as procedure and result is m (). Here m is some monad. Let’s for simplicity assume that it’s IO. We are going to make our tiny version of the library to understand the main concepts. We are going to work with this simplified version for now:

newtype Evt a = Evt {
  runEvt :: (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()

Simple event streams

Let’s look at some examples of event streams. The most simple one is super lazy and arrogant event stream. It just ignores the callback and returns:

never :: Evt a
never = Evt $ \_ -> pure ()

It emulates the empty event stream with events that never happen. We can even call it in the interpreter:

> ghci
> newtype Evt a = Evt { runEvt :: (a -> IO ()) -> IO () }
> never = Evt $ \_ -> pure ()
> runEvt never putStrLn 

So it did nothing. Let’s define event stream that does something only once and does it right away:

Monoid events
once :: IO a -> Evt a
once getter = Evt $ \go -> go =<< getter

So we pass a IO-getter function that reads some value and on running that event stream we just use that function to get the value and apply the callback to it.

Let’s copy that definition to REPL:

> once getter = Evt $ \go -> go =<< getter
> :t once
once :: IO a -> Evt a

With it we can do something useful. For example we can query user for a number and show the twice amount of that number. First we define helper function that asks user for single input:

> getLines = once getLine

Let’s define the doubler callback and call it with a user input:

> doubler str = putStrLn $ "Answer: " <> show (read str * 2)
> :t doubler
doubler :: String -> IO ()
> runEvt getLineE doubler
4                             -- our input
Answer: 8                     -- Mr Run Event produces

With this function we asked only for one input. But also we can create a process that can double input forever. Let’s define a helper function:

 > import Control.Monad

-- forevers :: Evt a -> Evt a
 > forevers evt = Evt $ \go -> forever $ runEvt evt go

We use standard function forever from the module Control.Monad to call procedure in the infinite loop. The function forevers takes in an event and calls it all the time in an infinite loop. With what we have already defined we can use it to create doubler service:

> runEvt (forevers getLines) doubler
Answer: 8
Answer: 200
Answer: 86
Answer: 0
Answer: 4

That was neat! We can define some useful call-back building abstractions right in the ghci session. All those functions getLines, forevers, once, never are already defined in dyna. We just look at the implementation to get familiar with the concepts.

I hope that by those examples we can understand the concept behind the event stream. It’s just a callback consumer. It get’s a callback and does something useful with it whenever an event happens.

In the dyna we have cool event stream of time stamps that produce the current clock or passed time:

> import Dyna
> runEvt (clock 1) print

The clock takes in a number of seconds in which to periodically sample the current time. Try also functions timer, ticks and pulse instead of clock.

Printing the events

Also we can define a useful function to show the events (also standard function):

prints evt = runEvt evt print
putStrLns evt = runEvt evt putStrLn

We take an event and pass a printing function to it as a callback.

Operators for event streams

The most fun things start to happen when we take some tiny basic event streams and start to build more complicated ones out of them. The Haskell power starts to shine.

We already did that with function forevers as it’s a stream processor. It takes one stream and turns it to stream of forever loop. Let’s discuss other useful operations.

Analogy with a List

Many operations are easy to understand if we think about event stream as an infinite list of events. Later on we will borrow many list functions and redefine them for event streams. Only for our implementation we just trigger some callback whenever element is added to the list. But of course there is no list whatsoever. It’s just helpful analogy.


Let’s recall the doubler function:

> doubler str = putStrLn $ "Answer: " <> show (read str * 2)

It does 3 things. It:

  • parses integer from string input

  • doubles the input as integer

  • turns it to the output string with nice prefix

If we had the list of strings as input we could apply the doubler like this:

> toAnswer x = "Answer: " <> show x
> fmap (toAnswer . (2 *) . read) inputs

Here we use standard function fmap from the functor typeclass:

class Functor f where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
Monoid events

For the lists it takes in a function and applies it to every element in the list. For the list that conceptually contains all possible events it is cool to have opration like fmap. and it can easily be defined:

instance Functor Evt where
  fmap f evt = Evt $ \go -> runEvt evt (go . f)

So we take the callback for the new input of type b and to use the event stream defined on a’s we use function f to adjust the input. We can save that instance to file with our defenitions and use it. Let’s create the module Evt.hs and save there all definitions from the current session. After we load it we can try out our Functor instance:

printE $ fmap reverse (forevers $ once getLine)
hit Ctrl+C to exit

We have defined a service that reverses every line of the input. Let’s define our dubler function as a composition of smaller parts:

> :set -XTypeApplications
> readInts = fmap (read @Int) $ forevers $ once getLine
> :t readInts
readInts :: Evt IO Int
> toAnswer x = "Answer: " <> show x
> putStrLnE $ fmap (toAnswer . (2 * )) readInts
Answer: 6
Answer: 14
Answer: 46
Answer: 15374
Press Ctrl+C to stop

Notice how we used fmap once to define the input stream of integers and another one to double the number and show it to the user.

There is another useful function:

Monoid events
mapMay :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Evt a -> Evt b

It has very simple definition:

mapMay f evt = Evt $ \go -> runEvt evt (mapM_ go . f)

It skips all the events that return Nothing and puts to output stream all events that return Just. It is mapping combined with filtering. For example if user writes non-integer input program will just break up with exception. But we can do better with mapMay:

> import Text.Read
> readInts = mapMay (readMaybe @Int) $ foreverE $ once getLine

This definition is more solid. Because it skips all non integers. We can try it out with doubler and see how it skips invalid input.

One very often used case of functor is combo with const. When we want to substitute all the events with the constant:

prints (100 <$ readInts)


Another useful class to have for events is Monoid (and Semigroup). For a thing to be a Monoid it have to support mappend operation which is associative and have neutral element mempty.

The meaning of monoidal append for two events is to trigger callback whenever anything happens on both of the events. The neutral element we have seen already. It’s never stream. So if we combine it with any another stream it will be equivalent by behavior to the original stream. Which is exactly what we expect from monoidal neutral element.

Let’s define the Monoid:

instance Monoid Evt where
  mempty = never

To define the append we are going to use function concurrently_ from the library async. It takes in two procedures and executes them concurrently (or at the same time).

instance Semigroup Evt where
  as <> bs = Evt $ \go -> concurrently_ (runEvt as go) (runEvt bs go)
Monoid events

That’s it! So in the result we take single callback and execute it on both of the event streams concurrently. The nice property of the concurrently_ is that if we force stop of execution by exception it will stop both of the event processes and we won’t have any leakage of the resources with unwanted background processes.

Monoid is useful to aggregate several event streams to a single one.

More list-like functions

There are plenty of list-like functions in the dyna library. They do just what we expect form lists but lifted to the event streams. Usually they have the same name but with suffix s.

Let’s load the dyna lib to interpreter and see some of most useful functions. Let’s start with simple ones: cycles

> import Dyna
> prints $ cycles [1,2,3,4] (ticks 1)

Also we can do filtering with filters:

filters :: (a -> Bool) -> Evt m a -> Evt m a

> prints $ filters odd $ cycles [1,2,3,4] (ticks 1)
Monoid events

Notice that the event happens once per two seconds because we skip even numbers. We can sum and product with sums and products. Also we can count the number of events on the stream count. We can count how many times user provided the input:

prints $ count $ forevers (once getLine)

Sometimes it’s also useful to keep the original value. We can use withCount for that:

printE $ withCount $ foreverE (once getLine)

The sums and products can be generalized with single function appends. It appends all the events that are instance of some monoid.

appends :: (Monoid a) => Evt m a -> Evt m a

We have seen the simple functions. One of the most useful function is scan. It iterates over elements of the stream and updates the state on every new input:

scan :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Evt m a -> Evt m b

For example we can redefine the function count with scan:

> prints $ scan (+) 0 (1 <$ ticks 1)

We used combination of functor and scan. Can you find out how to define it without a functor and use only scan?

Function that is close to scan is iterates. It ignores the events on the stream and just updates the state:

iterates :: (a -> a) -> a -> Evt m b -> Evt m a
Monoid events

Just as count it has special version that keeps the elements of the stream alongside with updated state. It’s called withIterates.

Also there are familiar list functions takes, drops, takesWhile, dropsWhile. They do the same stuff as the corresponding list functions.

For many functions that perform map or update of the state with accumulator we have withXxx variants that keep the original value or also we xxxMay variants that can filter and map at the same time.

Also there are effectful variants that map or filter with dirty effectful functions. They have the same name but end up with tick at the end. For example we can filter with effectful predicate:

filters' :: (a -> m Bool) -> Evt m a -> Evt m a

Random event streams

When we implement a game we need some source of surprise. Something unexpected happens and we are happy to deal with that. For those cases it’s great to use random generators. In the library we have handful of functions for that. We can toss a coin with function oneOf:

> data Coin = Heads | Tails  deriving (Show, Eq)
> prints (oneOf [Heads, Tails] (ticks 1))

The oneOf selects one element at random when event on the stream happens. The variant withOneOf keeps also the original event value alongside with random value. Also we can have stream of random values:

toRandom  :: (Random b) => Evt m a -> Evt m b
toRandomR :: (Random b) => (b, b) -> Evt m a -> Evt m b

withRandom :: (Random b) => Evt m a -> Evt m (b, a)
withRandomR :: (Random b) => (b, b) -> Evt m a -> Evt m (b, a)

Also useful function is freqOf it allows us to use time varying probability of event occurrence.

Event streams recap

So far so good! We have covered a lot of ground based on event streams. Let’s recap. An event stream is a callback consumer/processor. It has very simple definition. If you give me callback procedure a -> m () I can call it whenever any event happen on the stream. But we don’t know when it’s gonna happen.

newtype Evt m a = Evt {
  runEvt :: (a -> m ()) -> m ()

By using the power of Haskell functions we have built a nice DSL on top of this definition. We have defined instances for Functor and Monoid classes. We have defined lots of list-like functions (for example scan, takes, interates, drops, etc). We encountered some simple event streams: once, never, clock, timer, ticks, pulse. They can generate various basic event streams.